Special Operations Warfare Training

Basic, advanced and specialized special operations training courses

The Military Training Center (MTC) has been a military and law enforcement training provider and leader for more than one decade. In that time, multiple MTC students have directly or indirectly used our battle proven training methods as a basis to reduce threats and save lives. We proudly credit our industry longevity to the success of our students and their agencies. We utilize the best practices of instruction and place major emphasis on academics, fundamentals, tactics and instructors. Our centers provide a wide variety of realistic and innovative basic, advanced and specialized special operations training courses employing training programs modeled on thats of the NATO's Special Operations Forces (SOF).



Ready to learn the latest Special Operations Combat tactics and techniques.


We offer the best Airborne Special Operations training available on the market.


Join us and take part to the ultimate Maritime Special Operations training.


Learn the most up to date Special Operations Medical tactics and techniques.


Photos and videos from our Courses

From more than one decade the Military Training Center is offering a wide range of courses covering military and low enforcement needs, on our gallery you can see photos and videos taken during our training courses and exercises. Please contact us should you have any questions or would like to use any of the images commercially. Have a look at our gallery by clicking here.

Courses Calendar

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Our Mission

Since 2004 the Military Training Center is dedicated to improve the combat skills and knowledge of those professionals operating in the military communities. Our primary Mission is provide training solutions to Governments and Corporate.

We offer a wide range of training courses covering military and low enforcement needs, such as Sniper,

Swat, Combat Diver, Close Quarter Combat, H2H, Field Medic.